Tag Archives: creative home page

2008scandinavia´s first digital work

Some weeks ago, 2008scandinavia was challenged to create Norli´s Antique Books first website. Norli´s Antique Books is a small store in downtown Oslo, full of great literature. When you walk in, you leave the modern world behind, and instantly, the pace slows down. The scent of old leather, paper and the carpet, which should have been vacuum cleaned every now and then, is like a spa for your mind. Then, you find an old book, sit down in one of the old chairs and start reading. It´s quiet, just you and your book and, and…how the hell are you going to transfer this feeling into an interesting digital idea? We sat down with our friends in the premium norwegian digital company Mediafront, and came up with this solution: www.norlisantiquebooks.com

Norlis Antique Books